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Parent-Teacher Conferences

November 4, 2024



Dear Parents/Guardians:


As our first trimester comes to an end on November 22nd, the Grade School looks forward to celebrating our students’ successes and supporting them in specific areas of growth as we head into our second trimester.  I would like to welcome all parents/guardians to our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences, which are scheduled for the evening of December 4th and during the school day on December 6th


   Dates               Time Frame for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, December 4th


*Students will attend school for the full day.


Conferences will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Friday, December 6th


*No school for students on this day.


8:20 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.


It is important to note the following important information:


  • Conferences for grades 3-5 students have already been scheduled.  If you have not already scheduled an appointment, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher.
  • Due to our current sixth-grade model, all conferences for grade 6 students will be scheduled using our district communication platform, ParentSquare.  Please refer to the information below regarding how to schedule a conference.  Scheduling begins on Tuesday, November 12th at 9:00 a.m.
  • If your child is in an Integrated Co-Teaching class, both teachers will be present for the conference.
  • Special area teachers and service providers will also be available to meet with parents/guardians.  Some service providers will be conducting joint conferences with the classroom teachers.



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or the Main Office.     


Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Ups for Grade 6 Students Only


Image result for parentsquare


The sixth-grade teachers will be conducting conferences individually, which will consist of 

3-minutes per student.  While these conferences will be brief, it provides an equitable experience for all parents/guardians to meet with all 6th grade teachers if they choose.


Mrs. Heather Hosek – Science (Room 40)

Mrs. Lisa Lang – Social Studies (Room 41)

Ms. Deirdre McIntee – ELA (Room 37)

Mrs. Kim Monahan – Writing (Room 42)

Mr. Chris Tordy – Math (Room 35)


*Special education teachers, Mrs. Jamie Brower and Mrs. Caroline O’Callaghan, will be conducting joint conferences with the general education teachers.


On Tuesday, November 12th at 9:00 a.m., you will receive email notifications from teachers requesting that you sign up for a conference via ParentSquare.  We encourage parents/guardians to schedule a conference with the teachers whom they feel it is necessary to meet with.  It is not required for parents/guardians to meet with all teachers unless they choose.


Once you receive the email notification, please follow the steps below to schedule a conference:


  1. In your email notification, click “Sign-Up.”  You will be directed to the website or the ParentSquare app on a mobile device.
  2. After signing in, click on the teacher’s post to schedule a conference.
  3. On a mobile device: At the top of the post, click “Appointment Sign Ups” and select one of the available appointment time slots.

On website: scroll down to view available appointment time slots and select one.

  1. Click “Save” when complete. 
  2. You will be able to view your scheduled appointment under “Sign Ups and RSVPs.”
    1. On a mobile device: At the bottom of the screen, click “More” and then click “Sign Ups and RSVPs.”
    2. On website: Click “Sign Ups and RSVPs” on the right side of the screen.


If you have more than one child in 6th grade, please note that ParentSquare prevents the same parent from scheduling more than one appointment with the same teacher.  If this applies to your family, please reach out to your child’s teacher directly so he/she can assist you.


If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or the Main Office. 


If you require assistance with your ParentSquare account, please contact our IT Department at 631-893-7983 or





Lauren Fretto
